Saturday, December 24, 2011

I just bought a house and the sellers left behind their Direct TV dish. What do I do?

Should I call Direct TV to come retrieve their left behind equipment? If so, will this cost me anything? On the other hand, can I sell it?|||the antenna is abandoned, DirecTV will not want that back.

SOME receivers are leased, I OWN one, and lease two. Technically, using the system is called theft of service.

It is NOT up to you to call DirecTV and have them send you are prepaid shipping box, it is up to the PREVIOUS subscriber.

If you decide to keep the system, DirecTV will charge you $25.00 for a new SIM card plug the monthly fees. If you decide to subscribe to DirecTV, they will send out an installer that will collect up the old receiver, bill DirecTV as a disconnect, and an install...

If you decide NOT to subscribe, just put the box in the closet. if the previous subscriber cancels the service, DirectTV will want the receiver back, but not the antenna.|||The equipment is rented, Therefore if you sell it you will have committed theft.|||Sell it, but I doubt you will find a buyer because direct tv give every customer a brand new one. I work at a thrift shop where we get 3 or 4 direct tv receivers every week. Can't give the things away, so we toss them in the trash.

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